Monday, April 6, 2009

ICS 499: What is a leader?

This week on the continuation of the Devcathlon, the teams faced a major reconstruction.  The class leader, John Ancheta, pitched an idea to the team leaders, Anthony Du and I, of concentrating most of our efforts to producing the scoreboard for the Devcathlon.  John explained to us why we should put our efforts on to the scoreboard and temporarily abandon what other members have been working on.  He made a lot of sense and we both agreed to this idea. 


I have to say with all members throwing in ideas to improve the look of the scoreboard helped, plus we all saw what parts of the Devcathlon related to each other.  For instance the scoreboard would derive its information from the matches and teams section.  With everyone’s mind set on making the scoreboard, we all lost focus on the true goal for this week’s accomplishment, which was to get real data to display. 

John proposed this idea to our professor, which plays the role of our client, and the result was a “NO”.  With the disapproval of everyone working on the scoreboard, everyone simply continued working on their respective sections.  Through the week, Anthony presented to the class a very good idea of using wicket panels; using this feature would save time in designing new sections of a page and help organize pages better. 



I have to say that it’s been a busy week for everyone, especially for the leaders; but that’s no excuse.  We should have been on the ball more, a lot of the work was done late into the week; because of our scoreboard idea wasn’t pitched to our professor earlier.  With the disapproval late into the week not a lot of things were done.  I as a team leader will take the blame, I should have assigned tasks for members to do while we wait for the approval.  All we can do now is pick ourselves up and “Keep moving forward” (Walt Disney).

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