Saturday, November 1, 2008

The reView

We, Ronn and I, had the honor of receiving a review from both Tyler and Scheller, team gold. They both looked over all the specified aspects of our project. Both had very encouraging, interesting, and insightful inputs about how our project turned out.

Receiving New Aspects
We received many praises from both reviewers, which was very encouraging. Both liked how organized our project was, splitting the program into packages. Tyler mentioned how he liked the use of integrating XML, another programming language, into our project. Also he liked how our Google Project page had a professional sense to it. Scheller gave us a good idea on users that rent out more than just books, such as video rentals from the library. This idea will be developed in future versions of the project.

They both also spotted things we over looked in the progress of the project. Scheller pointed out on our program not working with versions lower than Java 1.6, a computer run time environment need to run certain program. Tyler saw that we did not include Quality Assurance tools in our developers guide. He also cited that a user should not need to set an system environment variable on their system in order to use the program, and he had a nice quick solution to the problem which was to include all required libraries the program uses in the IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) project class path.

The Offering
Ronn and I also had privilege to review another group project; which is the group of John Ly and John Zhou, team yellow. I saw that team yellow is still in development stages of some new features of the program, features such as sorting books by either due date or library. Also that they could reduce the size of they’re program, due to redundant logical use of code. We, both my partner and I, gave some tips on how to reduce the size of the program, as well as a structural improvement for future development. They’re program worked to the bare minimum without any errors, which to me is still good.

The Google View
Using Google’s Project Hosting is getting easier the more I use it. The further use of Google’s Wiki syntax for creating issues; I’m beginning to get the hang of things. Also thanks to other classmates, I learned of new short cuts when things don’t appear like how I want them to. For instance when making a numbered list, when published for public view it appears that each item on the list is number 1 and not in decreasing order. Also our professor showed us a tip on being more organized on having people review our code; instead of searching through our code for comments, we can just refer back to an issue dealing with what the comment is about on our code which displays the comment easily.

Summing It Up
After looking over both reviews, I see that we still have more improvements to do to the program. Having an outsider’s aspect on our program was very helpful; having them point out things we did not see or thought about. I also hope on concluding my review of team yellow, that they take our comments open minded. Criticism, reviews, or call it what you want; in creating a product there is always room for more improvements, no matter how perfect it may appear.

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