Monday, March 23, 2009

A common goal

This week the class has finally started on the first mile stone development of the Devcathlon, a game which we have been designing since the beginning of the semester.  The class was split into two teams; one handling the User and Team sections (Team UT) of the game, the other handling the Matches and Scoreboard section (Team MS).  I am a member and team leader of Team MS, which also consist of John Ancheta (Class Leader), John Zhou, and Daniel Arakaki.


For our team, we split our sections into two; having two members tackling a section.  I, along with Daniel, will be handling the Scoreboard section.  After having an initial meeting, on March 20th, of the leaders, Anthony Du (Team UT), John Ancheta (Class Leader), and I; we all decided, since the a deadline of having something to show our professor was approaching early, to create a web mockup of all the sections and sub sections. On Saturday, the 21st, I immediately informed the rest of the group of the plan. 



Add match to scoreboard

Delete match from scoreboard


Note: These two issues relate to the same page.




Scoreboard Manager


The Scoreboard section, I was in charge of implementing the Scoreboard Manager section.  I took this opportunity to finally show some of the JavaScript and CSS I’ve been working on for my ICS 499 course, which all relates to the development of the Devcathlon. 


It took me quit awhile to implement the Expand and Collapse feature, at first having trouble adjusting the positioning of parts to the middle of the screen.  Using Dreamweaver helped a lot to narrow done which part I had to adjust, also what CSS file to edit.


Going back and forth, from using Dreamweaver to using Eclipse, a lot of my development time was not picked up.  Development time is only recorded in Eclipse using the Hackystat sensors. 



I have to say this web mockup really looks good, from members of both teams.  I know were in for a rough ride, once we start implementing all the java.  It’s a good thing both teams are willing and ready to work towards this immense common goal.

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